supervisory signal

英 [ˌsuːpəˈvaɪzəri ˈsɪɡnəl] 美 [ˌsuːpərˈvaɪzəri ˈsɪɡnəl]

网络  监视信号; 监控信号; 管理信号



  1. Realizing supervisory signal of carrier wave transmission by the existing F2 digital passage interface
  2. According to the results of credit risk assessment, credit risk prewarning will send out the supervisory signal using the model to the future credit risk prewarning condition.
  3. This article designed a supervisory architecture for the integrality of WAAS which was intimate related with wide area augmentation system terrestrial communication network structure. Based on it, we stated the signal process of WAAS according to WAAS theory.
  4. This dissertation carries out a deep research on spot information collecting and processing in supervisory system. The principle of information collecting and processing and the realization scheme of analog, digital, switch signal collecting and processing are brought forward in term of actual situation.
  5. This method contains the optimum phase control strategies and stability supervisory mechanism. In order to respond to traffic flow conditions in real time, we get rid of the cycle, split and offset parameters in traditional traffic signal control systems.